The Bible The Very Word of God

Over 7 billion sold! There's a reason the Bible is the most popular book ever written. There's a reason a fifth of the world's population, people of many cultures and traditions agree that it is the authoritative guide for life and for knowing God. There's a reason it is a historical classic. There is a reason it has survived for 2,000 years. A wise man once said, "The Bible's a lion! Just let it out of its cage, and it will take care of itself!"


Audio bibles in English and Chinese let you listen wherever you are. Easily downloaded and life-changing.


Some sip it like a fine wine, savoring a verse at a time. Others gulp it down like an intoxicating malt liquor, filling the entire soul. Either way, it is the most edifying book you will ever rest your eyes upon.


More books have been written about the Bible than any other work. It is truly the foundation of literary criticism. See what people from ancient and modern times have to say.